We live in a society where it is believed to worship Goddess or you may also say Women, as it is said that, women are like a Goddess. But as we look into today's situation we can observe that in a society where women are believed to be Goddess are exploited, insulted, raped, discriminated against, and sexually harassed. Is this a manner in which we are worshipping a Women/Goddess? It is actually very disturbing and unacceptable. The rape cases in India are increasing at a very high rate. In 2018, 101,151 rape cases were recorded. Now here comes understanding what rape is, Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration without the person's consent.

Now the question arises, what is the major cause of Rapes in India?

Wearing short dresses which means, inviting people to take such huge steps like rape, and harassment, late-night parties, or coming late from work alone at night or even in the day time are the major reason for Rapes in India according to the thinking of some people.

But the major reason behind this is the thinking of the people. It is just a matter of thinking and mentality of the people or the way people approach or look towards women.

It makes me disturb whenever I hear about a girl or a female suffering from this again, whether it be Dr. Priyanka Reddy, Nirbhaya, or any girl going through this. Now I would like to ask this question to the ones who said that Rape takes place when a girl wears short dresses, so why would a newborn baby girl or an old woman be raped? Like seriously, the answer to this question from people's point of view is that they were wearing appealing clothes! What is meant by this? It is how people think and their mentality. 

This society is becoming a Rapist Society day-by-day with rape culture.

There is a need to have a strong and effective law and system to eliminate this. Although the Government is taking certain measures to stop rapes, it is not enough to eliminate them. What we need is more strong, firm, and effective steps to eliminate it, and it will be a big challenge for everyone in society because it's not that easy to stop. Eventually, it will take time. And if we didn't start now, then it will be too late. Till then more Dr. Priyanka Reddy's and Nirbhaya will be killed.

What punishment do rapists get here in India? Punishment for rape is given in section 376 of the Indian Penal Code. Except in cases provided under subsection 2 of the same section, punishment will be rigorous imprisonment which is not less than 7 years, which may be extended to life imprisonment and fine.

A man guilty of rape in the United Kingdom is liable on conviction to life imprisonment or for a shorter term. It is a statutory offense in England and wales, created by section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

Capital punishment of rape is a legal penalty in the United Arab Emirates. Under Emirati law, multiple crimes carry the death penalty, and executions are carried through either a firing squad, hanging, or stoning.

For women, rapes are like facing death. After the rape, most of the girls are killed or burned, but if left alive by any chance then she has to live with what happened to her is more difficult than death. There should be more powerful laws and systems to stop rapes, as well as strict punishments for the culprit.


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