Employment is the state of having paid for the work you do after a certain period of time. Unemployment is a state where a person is willing to be employed but is unable to find a job. Furthermore, it is those people in the workforce or pool of people who are available for work but do not have an appropriate job. The employment rate stood at 39.4% in 2019-2020 in India, simultaneously the unemployment rate in 2019-2020 was 3.4%. Although the rate of employment is a little higher than the rate of unemployment, yet unemployment is a major problem in the Country. Every other person here is facing unemployment. 

Unemployment is nothing but a stage where a person willing and available for work doesn't get a job that he/she requires after a certain point in time.

Unemployment directly influences the labor market which in turn influences economic activities. The labor market in India continues to be under stress primarily because of the fall in the employment rate in rural India and the continued low employment rate in urban India, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy said, suggesting an urgent need to create more jobs. “The falling employment rate in rural India and the continued low employment rate in urban India are the weaknesses in India’s labor market recovery process,” CMIE said in its weekly analysis. According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), an economics and business think-tank, as of 2018, unemployment in India had risen to 31 million individuals looking for jobs. The lowest unemployment rate in India was 3.4% (July 2017) but has now risen to 7.1%.

In India, it is a complex problem with numerous overlapping and intertwined causes; however, it is possible to identify several key causes. The following are listed as identified causes:- Caste System- it is a major factor in generating unemployment. In some areas, certain kinds of work are prohibited for members of particular castes; Increased Population Growth- As the country's population is increasing substantially, the country's economic growth cannot keep up with the population growth, this leads to a larger share of society being unemployed; Slow Economic Growth Because the Indian economy is relatively underdeveloped, economic growth is considerably slower than it might otherwise be. This means that as the population increases, the economy cannot keep up with demands for employment and an increasing share of people are unable to find work. The result is insufficient levels of employment nationwide; Loss of Small-Scale/Cottage Industries- Industrial development has made a cottage and small-scale industries considerably less economically attractive. The result is that the cottage and small-scale industry have significantly declined, and artisans have become unemployed as a result; These may be identified causes of Unemployment in India.

The maximum amount of unemployment lies in the rural areas, as people there are not that educated and they get difficulty in finding a job. Although the Government has launched some of the schemes to provide employment to all there was not much difference. The programs launched by Government for providing more employment opportunities to rural areas are listed below-

1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (MNREGA)- It provides 100-day employment to an unemployed person in a year.

2. Sampoorna Rojgar Yojana- The primary objective of the scheme is to provide killed and local employment and thereby improve skill levels in all rural and urban areas.

3. Aajeevika- National Rural Livelihood Programme- It was launched by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). NRLM has set out with an agenda to cover 7 crore households, across 600 districts, 6000 blocks , 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats and 6 lakh villages in the country through Self Help Groups (SHGs).

These programmes were helpful to some extent only. We need some more powerful policies and jobs which can improve this scenario and eliminate unemployment in the country.


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