sexual harassment and problems faced by women

I think sexual harassment is becoming a culture in this country. Every second or third girl here faces sexual harassment at a very minor age itself. It is an age when a child is taught about values and other things to make themselves grow, but here the girls face something from which it is very difficult to come out and start living again. I have had heard a lot of incidents that claim that the victims were being harassed by one of their family members, not even a stranger but a family member itself. Whom can you trust in this selfish world? It's been a long time since I have been hearing about the problems that humans face on a daily basis, whether it be workload, harassment, rape threats, inequalities, and other things, etc. Lot more than this a woman has to fight with herself, with society to make a stand for herself, she faces and fights all her personal problems alone, and learns from their mistakes. 

It's been a hard time for women to fight for themselves so that people could accept them in society. They are seen as a different part of the society i.e., they are not treated equally, they do not get equal opportunities, they are been made uncomfortable by men and society. 

Now sharing my personal experiences I have seen a lot of men starring my friends as if they want to do something to them. These days starring a girl, following them, blackmailing them are very common problems that women have to deal with, and if anything inappropriate thing happens with the females in a public place then also people don't speak against it, which is extremely disheartening. 

ll these things have now crossed their limits and this should be stopped right away. The major reason behind all these mishappenings is just the mentality or the thinking of the people in the society. Most of the females don't react to the mishappenings due to the consequences, but to stop this every single person will have to speak against it to stop it and so that females can get equal opportunities and so that they can be accepted by society.


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