It is being the hardest time that everyone is facing nowadays. Every day there are people dying due to this coronavirus disease. The total Confirmed Cases recorded in India are 2,02,82,833 and 2,22,408 Total Deaths. This is a huge number in itself. There has been a lot of measures taken to control the disease, but it has been indispensable till now. To fight the disease India came up with two vaccines- Covishield (manufactured by Serum Institute of India) and Covaxin( developed by Bharat Biotech). Both the vaccines received approval for emergency used. India's Vaccination began on 16th January 2021. 

Now differentiating the first and the second wave of coronavirus following conclusion came out-

1. Higher proportions of asymptomatic individuals were seen in the second wave.

2. Breathlessness could be seen as the major symptom of coronavirus in this wave, as compared to the previous one.

3. The older populations continue to be more vulnerable.

Also apart from this, People require oxygen cylinders, ICU beds, ventilators, and whatnot. But, most of them fail to get it and hence lose their loved ones. There has been a lot of websites provided by the government which shows the availability of beds but. it seems to be untimely updated, as mostly whenever someone contacts the respective hospital, it is said that there are no empty beds or availability of oxygen. It seems that the Government wasn't prepared for the second wave and hence, the people are suffering due to it. Also, an update that several schools, hotels, banquet halls have been converted to covid hospitals, healthcare centers and, quarantine centers to provide people a little ease in this situation.

So now coming to the point i.e., what we can do to deal with such an unpleasant situation. These are the basic steps you can do to prevent yourself from coronavirus.

1. Avoid going out unnecessarily, and even if you do then, don't forget to sanitize your hands properly.

2. Drink a lot of water, to feel fresh and avoid dehydration.

3. Maintain social distancing even if you are at home.

4. Isolate yourself even if you have mild symptoms such as cough, cold, headache, mild fever until you recover.

5. Take proper steam, do gargles, meditations to keep yourself fit and fine.

6. For keeping your mental health good, you can meditate, take short breaks, read books, and whatever makes you happy.

By doing these things you can feel much better and you can actually do something which may brush up your skills and it may be useful to you in some way or the other.

Take care of yourself and your family, stay safe and this time shall too pass!


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