Being Positive

People these days are talking about feeling low or being depressed. Following this many people, NGO’s and social worker have started a campaign for those who are depressed and they listen to whatever the victims have to say, just to tell them that people are here for them, and they are not alone. To this what I feel and what I believe is that everything happens due to a reason. Being depressed or feeling low is nothing but a feeling or a thought that comes in our mind whenever our baggage of emotion and stress is full. Eventually it is pretty obvious that everything needs a clean up from being a house to a laptop and similarly our mind, soul, and body. And when you empty this baggage of yours you will feel relieved and relaxed, as if everything was normal. This baggage of yours will eventually take time to clear as it has been filling since you haven taken stress, tension, and overthought on several things. Patience is all that you need in each and every aspect of life. You don’t ...