Being Positive

People these days are talking about feeling low or being depressed. Following this many people, NGO’s and social worker have started a campaign for those who are depressed and they listen to whatever the victims have to say, just to tell them that people are here for them, and they are not alone. To this what I feel and what I believe is that everything happens due to a reason. Being depressed or feeling low is nothing but a feeling or a thought that comes in our mind whenever our baggage of emotion and stress is full. Eventually it is pretty obvious that everything needs a clean up from being a house to a laptop and similarly our mind, soul, and body. And when you empty this baggage of yours you will feel relieved and relaxed, as if everything was normal. 

This baggage of yours will eventually take time to clear as it has been filling since you haven taken stress, tension, and overthought on several things. Patience is all that you need in each and every aspect of life. You don’t have to feel embarrassed or shy about it, it is something with which every second or third person is suffering right now, and never feel that you are alone. There is always someone who might feel the same. All you need to do is talk to someone whenever you have such feelings. Hiding your emotions and feelings is never a solution to this problem, in fact it might be the cause several other problems. Hiding your emotions and thoughts is not something which will make you stronger, instead you will become weak because you will be suffering. Expressing your feelings and thoughts will not make people feel that you are timid, in fact they will think that you are strong-minded because you have the courage to accept it even in public. 

There are days when you don’t feel like doing anything, and just laying on your couch, or maybe you just don’t want to talk to anyone. You feel lazy, low and feel that you are done with everything. That’s when you discover that your baggage is full and it’s the alarm that you need to clear it, so that it doesn’t affect you much. 

Now you might think that how can I clear this baggage and come out of this phase. There might be some points which you might just search on internet and can find easily. But what I have to say is that, this is Life, and whatever comes in your way are the challenges to see whether you are strong enough or not, and if not, it is normal. These challenges make you strong, stronger than you might not have thought you would be. It is very easy to give up on things, because you think you are not ready for it or you might not just cope up with it. All I am trying to say is you just need to believe in yourself no matter what the situation is. It might take some time, but it will pass soon and you’ll see the stronger you.

Talking to someone you like, or taking a counselling, seeing a therapist, or talking to professional about your problems, insecurities, thoughts and feelings are the things which can help you in many ways. Doing what you feel like and what you love, travelling outside, might just change your mood because all you need is a change and a break. These things will lower your burden and stress. You will feel as if something heavy that was kept on your brain and heart has gone and it will make you feel relaxed and relieved. 

Going to a doctor and taking prescribed medicines won’t just help every time, because all problems are not same. Hence, there is a different solution to every problem. You will feel just absolutely fine as soon as your baggage is empty and you will love whatever you do. But also remember that you have be positive and think only positive no matter what the situation is.


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